My name is SangHyun Ahn. English name is Timothy. I'm currently going to Gros Bonnet Academy to learn how to cook! I'll be posting daily class that I go through and some of the recipes/foods that I would like to post. Please follow my blog if you're interested in culinary arts or you just love food in general!
Final product of the day
The most memorable dish from today was the Lyonnaise Potato and the Ratatouile. I would make it again.
Back from Spring Break
My new week has started. Hot Kitchen 1.
Spring break (1 week) is now over.
The chef seemed to be nice but I think he can be strict.
I was too scared to take a picture of him so maybe next time.
He tries to joke around but I honestly don't think he's funny. So I sometimes don't know what to do..
Hopefully, I'll survive!
Spring break (1 week) is now over.
The chef seemed to be nice but I think he can be strict.
I was too scared to take a picture of him so maybe next time.
He tries to joke around but I honestly don't think he's funny. So I sometimes don't know what to do..
Hopefully, I'll survive!
Hey everyone. I haven't been posting for 4 days already! It's because I'm on a spring break now for 1 week which means NO more cooking T.T. I'm just getting my other personal things completed like my new LICENSE! :D
Anyways, I've completed my 1st 3week rotation of Garde Manger Class. Now, it's time for Hot Kitchen 1. I'll be waiting to see who the new chef will be...
Final product of the day
1st Photo: Overall Food
2nd Photo: Shrimp with cucumber
3rd Photo: Pastry with scallops
4th Photo: Carrot flowers and apple swans (for decorations)
5h Photo: Pastry Puff with Pineapple cream filling
6th Photo: Gyoza filling in Rice paper
7th Photo: Curry (vegetables)
8th Photo: Gyoza
9th Photo: Chicken curry on top of pastry puff

My thoughts: I really enjoyed the gyoza but it could have been way better if i steamed it properly on a steamer pot. Surprisingly, the leftover gyoza fillings in rice paper seemed to be delicious with a spicy sauce. Also the curry was excellent bringing out all the vegetables and fruit flavors naturally. The shrimp on cucumber seemed to be a little bit bland. Maybe more seasoning or sauce could add to the flavor.
Apple Swan Fail
My swan's neck was too fragile and skinny that it broke off with the head. I could not slice the wings to spread apart too well. I have to practice a lot more!
Final product of the day
1st Photo: Cooked Ahi on Focaccia bread with Wasabi Mayo
2nd Photo: In front-Baked Vanilla Souffles
Middle-Pizza with Tomato Sauce and vegetable toppings
Middle Right-French onion soup
3rd Photo: Oyster Rockefeller and Cooked Ahi
4th Photo: Spicy Italian Sausage
5th Photo: Baked Brie with Caramelized Onions
More Oyster Rockefeller
Overview: Middle-Pastry Puff with Chicken Liver Mousse
My thoughts: I love seafood and especially the oysters. I was excited to try the oyster rockefeller. Out of everything today, I enjoyed the pizza, oyster rockefeller. The french onion soup that I've made was okay but a little bit too rich flavor. The Brie with onions were okay taste. I didn't really like the chicken liver in the pastry puff. I like to keep my pastry with clean fillings like vanilla cream or other flavor. Please request for recipes if interested. 래시피 원하시는분들은 글 남겨주세요.
New post with no pictures? 왠 글?
Hi everyone. It has already been 2 weeks into my Garde Manger course and I've been very busy while having fun. For those of you who may not know about Garde Manger, this course specializes in "cold food" like salads, dressings, etc.
I've wanted to keep up with my blog and post the recipes, food names, and my thoughts and opinions but I have just been exhausted with my new start. I will try my best to post the food names (at the least) whenever I post new pictures. You may also comment below to request for the recipe. Thanks for your views~!
안녕하세요. 벌써 Garde Manger (가드 만절) 클라스를 들은지 2주가 지났네요. 제가 초등 시절떼 미국으로 와서 한국말이 조금 서툴어요.. ㅜ.ㅜ;; 이해해주시길..
만약에 레시피같은거 궁금하시다면 코멘트 남겨주세요~
요즘 본격적으로 음식을 만들기시작해서 엄청 바쁘네요. 그래서 글은 쓸 기회가없었어여... 다음 부턴 최대한 음식의 제목은 올릴수있게 노력해볼게요. 그니깐 게속 구독해주시고 응원 부탁드립니다.
I've wanted to keep up with my blog and post the recipes, food names, and my thoughts and opinions but I have just been exhausted with my new start. I will try my best to post the food names (at the least) whenever I post new pictures. You may also comment below to request for the recipe. Thanks for your views~!
안녕하세요. 벌써 Garde Manger (가드 만절) 클라스를 들은지 2주가 지났네요. 제가 초등 시절떼 미국으로 와서 한국말이 조금 서툴어요.. ㅜ.ㅜ;; 이해해주시길..
만약에 레시피같은거 궁금하시다면 코멘트 남겨주세요~
요즘 본격적으로 음식을 만들기시작해서 엄청 바쁘네요. 그래서 글은 쓸 기회가없었어여... 다음 부턴 최대한 음식의 제목은 올릴수있게 노력해볼게요. 그니깐 게속 구독해주시고 응원 부탁드립니다.